How Does Your Garden Grow?
Victory Gardens were gardens planted at private residences and on public land during World War I and World War II to reduce the pressure on the public food supply brought on by the war effort. We’re hearing a lot about the food supply chain in these COVID-19 days and suddenly home gardening is a hot topic. While growing enough food to feed your family may not be possible in a city apartment, there are many things you can grow that will shorten your grocery list. Creating a COVID-19 victory garden in your home can be simple, satisfying and joy-inducing. Getting started •Sunlight, pots & soil The biggest thing to consider is sunlight. As a general rule, the less sun you have the slower your plants will grow. So if you don’t have enough — at least six hours of direct sunlight a day for most edible plants — you’ll need grow lights, which aren’t that much more expensive than regular light bulbs, and just as easy to use. Otherwise, all it takes is a few pots some soil, and a place to plant. What to grow
•Go for leafy If this is your first real experience gardening, you will have the most success with plants with edible leaves. Leaves are the first thing a plant needs to perform photosynthesis, which means you have something to eat sooner than if you grow plants with edible roots, fruit or stems.
•Food Scraps Have you heard of “Zombie Gardening?” This is the trendy term for growing a garden from food scraps. Remember sprouting an avocado pit in school? Well, it turns out you can also sprout scallions, celery, beets, lettuce and carrots. All you need is water, a small clear shot glass or juice cup, some sun, and the leftover ends of your vegetables. Scallions and heads of lettuce will give you the most edible regrowth in the shortest amount of time. Try this For lettuce, save the butt and at least two inches of leaves above it. For carrots and beets, you’ll need to buy the kinds that come with greens, then save those tops with at least a little bit of the veg below. Suspend the scrap in a little cup of water using toothpicks, then place it in a sunny spot and wait. You’ll see new leaves within a week and be able to harvest them or put the whole thing in a pot or soil within two or three weeks. This is especially popular with kids and could be a fun addition to their distance learning! More here. A COVID-19 SIP silver lining for you could be discovering your green thumb! Happy growing!
In Health & Love,